
Giving hope and opportunity
to the world’s forgotten children


A person who is seeking a safe haven after being forced to flee violence, persecution or war.

Additionally, Refugees have a right to international protection.

According to the UNHCR, at the end of 2019 there were:


Displaced persons worldwide

Of whom an estimated 30-34 miliion below 18 years of age


Refugees worldwide

As well as an additional 4 million Asylum Seekers


Refugees in the UK

Roughly 0.2% of UK Population

What We Do

The objects of Future Academy UK are for the public benefit to advance in life and relieve the needs of refugees up to the age of 18, living in the UK and overseas, by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.

In the UK we provide activities designed to help refugee children settle quickly into their new environment and to access formal education successfully.

Overseas, we support UK-registered partner charities to provide educational opportunities to refugee children, by funding the travel expenses of volunteer teachers.

Education is the single most powerful means to improve the quality of life; the single most powerful weapon against poverty and intolerance.

Why is education so important?


Education protects refugee children and youth from forced recruitment into armed groups, child labour, sexual exploitation and child marriage.


Education strengthens community resilience.


Education empowers by giving refugees the knowledge and skills to live productive, fulfilling and independent lives. (UNHCR)

Education is a basic human right and yet:

  • 48% of all school age refugee children are out of school.
  • One in three refugee children fail to complete their primary education.
  • Just 3% of refugee students are currently enrolled in higher education.
  • Christopher Watts, Co-founder of Future Academy

    Our volunteers

    2024: Christopher Watts, Tala Lakiss

    2023: Christopher Watts, Claire Lee, Les Rowe, Sam Jacobs, Kevin Safadi

    2022: Christopher Watts, Damien Gabet, Tom Corcoran

    2021: Christopher Watts, Daniel Parkinson, Alex Fisher, Stephen Appleton

    2020: Christopher Watts, Damien Gabet, Daniel Parkinson

    2019: Christopher Watts, Max Montgomery

    Registered charity number:


    Brierley, First Avenue,
    Essex CO13 9EX


    +44 (0) 1255 569899